Start you business

What you will need to open an LLC

What is included in the service plan? Economy Standard Premium
We search the state directory to confirm that your name is available.

Registration with the state of your choice, we will prepare and file the paper work required by the Secretary of State. This includes the state filing fees.

Registered Agent: Important, the state of registration requires your company to have a registered agent with a physical address. You may look for your registered agent if you have chosen the economy package.

Application federal tax identification number for the new entity, this is required if you would like to open a bank account in the United States. You may prepare your application if you have chosen the economy package.

This includes other customized documents, for example, by-laws, operating agreements, and stock certificates.

This includes a consulting meeting regarding the company registration and setup before we begin work.*

$650 USD
$975 USD


What to expect once you hire our services